Friday, 31 March 2017

Headed to a Canadian University? Apply For a Visa Now

Making the decision to go to college is monumental in itself, but going to the best school could make all the difference. Competitive programs coupled with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, Canadian universities have often enticed students from all over the world to apply for a visa to the country.

Apply for a Visa to Study in Canada
A child is in the foreground of the Trinity Quad in Trinity College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Pixabay ©)

Canadian Education Standards

Like most Commonwealth nations, Canada follows a similar Honours system as that of the United Kingdom. In order for most people to enter graduate school, for example, one needs to get a 2:1 honours degree. This is equivalent to a United States 3.0 GPA. Standards like these make the Canadian educational system globally competitive.

Reasons Why Canadian Universities are Worth Applying for

There are several reasons why Canadian universities are worth it. From multiculturalism to a rigorous academic training, to a work-life balance that helps to create opportunities, the advantages are numerous.

Consistently High Ranking and Global Standards

Universities in Canada have consistently ranked as some of the world’s best. Due to most of these institutions use English and French as their mediums of instruction, it allows for a great number of prospective students to apply.

Those with International Baccalaureates or IB’s from eligible schools can gain easier entry in these schools, as well as high scores in the International English Language Testing System or IELTS.

Various Specialisations and Majors

A college education could be very expensive in certain countries, especially from universities in the United States and Europe. The cost of public education in Canada is less than those in their neighbouring countries, and allows for easier costs.

Apart from that, various specialisations are available in the country that range from agricultural to commerce and even Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) courses.

Cultural Immersion and Acceptance

Often viewed as a safe haven for those fleeing unrest in their home countries, Canada is a melting pot of several different cultures.

From Indian to Chinese communities, to the native Inuit population and the French-speaking Quebecois, there will always be a group that any international student would identify with. It is even easier to apply for a visa when there are relatives that are currently residing in Canada.

Work – Study Balance

Because of the open nature of the Canadian government towards immigrants and refugees, there are programs that can help it easier to resettle in Canada. Internship opportunities are also available for people who wish to work for corporations.

Apply for a Visa to Canada Now

Due to the many opportunities that come with getting a Canadian education, many students are clamouring for a chance to study and get an education in some of the world’s finest schools.

To learn how to apply for a visa now, contact your local travel guides and immigration centres.


“Why Study in Canada?”,

“Why study in Canada?”, Education au Canada

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